Toetshandreiking tweedegraads lerarenopleiding Engels

Deze toetshandreiking is opgesteld door lerarenopleiders en is een hulpmiddel bij de voorbereiding op de landelijke kennistoets Engels van de tweedegraadslerarenopleiding.

In de toetshandreiking zijn de belangrijkste onderwerpen uit de leerstof opgenomen. Leidend blijft wel de toetsmatrijs waarin is vastgelegd welke domeinen uit de Kennisbasis Engels (ingangsdatum studiejaar 2018-2019) van de tweedegraadslerarenopleiding getoetst worden. In de kennisbasis is een toelichting op de betreffende domeinen opgenomen. Het kan dus zijn dat in de landelijke kennistoets onderwerpen aan de orde komen die niet opgenomen zijn in deze toetshandreiking.

Raadpleeg hier altijd de meest recente versie in verband met mogelijke tussentijdse wijzigingen. 


De begrippenlijst bestaat uit:

  • Grammaticale begrippen

  • Kennis van land en samenleving

  • Kennis van geschiedenis en geografie

De nummering van de domeinen komt overeen met de nummering in de bijbehorende kennisbasis.

Subdomein 2.2: Grammatica

In het toetsafnamesysteem is onderstaande lijst met verschillende termen voor grammaticale begrippen beschikbaar:

Clause Main clause = Independent clause
Relative clause
  • Defining relative clause = Restrictive relative clause
  • Non-defining relative clause = Non-restrictive relative clause
  • Demonstrative determiner = Demonstrative (as opposed to Demonstrative pronoun)
  • Possessive determiner = Possessive (as opposed to Possessive pronoun)
  • Uncountable nouns = Non-count nouns
  • Countable nouns = Count nouns
  • The possessive form of nouns = The genitive case
  • Noun group = Noun phrase
  • Agreement = Concord
Numbers Numbers = Numerals
Question tags Question Tags = Tags = Tag questions
Sentence analysis
  • Sentence analysis = Syntax
  • S = Subject
  • V = Verb = Predicator
  • Od = Direct object
  • Oi = Indirect object
  • Cs = Complement to the subject = Subject complement = Subject attribute
  • Co = Complement to the object = Object complement = Object attribute
  • A = Adjunct = Adverbial = Adjunct adverbial
  • C = Conjunction = Linking word
Verb group Verb group = Verb phrase
Verb Forms Continuous form = Progressive form
  • Modals = Modal verbs = Modal auxiliaries
  • Copula = Link verb
  • Main verb = Lexical verb = Notional verb = Ordinary verb
Word class Word class = Parts of speech

Subdomein 3.1: Kennis van land en samenleving

De voorbeelden binnen een (sub)categorie geven een indicatie van wat gevraagd kan worden.

United Kingdom


Constitution e.g. unwritten, parliamentary sovereignty, rule of law
Legal positions e.g. Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, Barrister (King’s Counsel (KC)), Solicitor, Justices of the Peace (JP), Lord Advocate, Attorney General
Law Enforcement e.g. Territorial police forces, Metropolitan Police (Met), Scotland Yard, Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), Security Service (MI5), Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
Types of Court e.g. The Supreme Court, The High Court, The Court of Appeal, The Crown Court, Magistrates' Court
Juries e.g. Criminal jury, Civil jury
Law systems e.g. common law, civil law, criminal law, Separate Legal System in Scotland


Form of government and elections
Elections e.g. First-past-the-post, Winner-takes-all
Major parties e.g. Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats, SNP, Reform UK, Green Party
System of government e.g. separation of powers and branches of government, bicameral
Monarchy e.g. constitutional monarchy, Head of State, royal prerogatives
Parliament e.g. House of Commons, House of Lords, cabinet, prime minister


Buildings e.g. 10 Downing Street, Palace of Westminster


Important recent political figures
Important recent political figures e.g. Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, King Charles III, Rishi Sunak



Type of schools e.g. Public school, Comprehensive school, Academies, Grammar school, Boarding school
Exams e.g. GCSE, A-Levels
Higher Education e.g. Traditional (Oxbridge), Red brick, Vocational
Cultural concepts e.g. School uniforms, School meals, Key stage, National curriculum (1)

(1) Including the approximate ages associated with these cultural concepts.


News media
Quality Press e.g. The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The Daily Telegraph
Tabloid journalism e.g. The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, former News of the World
Non-print media e.g. BBC, ITV


Socio-economic climate
Employment e.g. unions, the dole
Currency e.g. pound sterling, pence
Healthcare e.g. NHS, GP


Major ethnic groups e.g. white, Afro-Caribbean, Indian/Pakistani
Major religious groups e.g. Anglican, Catholic
Ancestry e.g. Celtic, Romans, Anglo-Saxon, Norse, Norman
Languages e.g. Welsh, Scots Gaelic
Dialects e.g. Cockney, Scouse, Brummie, Geordie


Patron saints e.g. George, David, Andrew
National flowers e.g. rose, leek, thistle
Flags e.g. Union Jack, flags of the nations
Anthems e.g. “God Save the King”, “Rule Britannia”, “Land of Hope and Glory”


Population e.g. numbers, density


Iconic authors
Historical e.g. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Austen, Brontë sisters, Dickens, Hardy, Forster, Woolf, Tolkien, Christie
Contemporary e.g. Rushdie, Rowling


Sports e.g. football, rugby, cricket, horse racing, tennis


United States of America


Constitution e.g. Amendments, Bill of Rights


Legal positions
Legal positions e.g. Attorney, District attorney, Litigator, Plaintiff


Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement e.g. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Homeland Security, National Security Agency (NSA)


Types of Court
Types of Court e.g. Supreme Court, The US Court of Appeals Federal Courts, US District Courts, Civil Courts, Criminal Courts


Juries e.g. Grand jury, Trial jury (a.k.a. petty jury), Preliminary hearing


Law systems
Law systems e.g. Federal legislative body, Federal law, State law, Misdemeanors, Felonies, Defendant, Plea bargaining



Form of government and elections
Election e.g. electoral college, winner-takes-all, popular vote
Major parties e.g. Democrats, Republicans
System of government e.g. separation of powers, branches of government, checks and balances
Republic e.g. President, Vice-President, Congress, Senate, House of Representatives, impeachment, federal vs. local


Buildings e.g. White House, Capitol


Important recent political figures
Important recent political figures e.g. Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Joe Biden



Type of schools
Type of schools e.g. public school, private school, charter school, funding


Exams e.g. SATs, Advanced Placement (AP)


Higher Education
Higher Education e.g. Ivy league (Harvard, Yale, Princeton), Community/junior college


Cultural concepts
Cultural concepts e.g. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, dorms, extracurricular activities, fraternity, sorority, GPA, K-12 (1)

(1) Including the approximate ages associated with these cultural concepts.


News media
National newspapers e.g. New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal
Non-print media e.g. CNN, Fox, NPR, PBS, ABC, NBC


Socio-economic climate
Employment e.g. unions, social security


Socio-economic climate
Currency e.g. dollar, cents
Healthcare e.g. Obamacare, Medicare


Major ethnic groups e.g WASP, Latino, Asian, Black/African-American
Major religious groups e.g. Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Jewish
Ancestry e.g. Native American, British, Irish, German, African, Latin American


Flag e.g. stars and stripes, confederate
Anthem e.g. “Star-Spangled Banner”
Other symbols e.g. bald eagle, Uncle Sam


Population e.g. numbers, density


Iconic authors
Historical e.g. Thoreau, Whitman, Twain, Dickinson, Poe, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Harper Lee
Contemporary e.g. Morrison, King


Sports e.g. football, baseball, basketball, soccer


Other English speaking countries: Canada, Australia, Republic of Ireland

Government and people

Government e.g. head of state (= King), Commonwealth, prime minister
Currency e.g. Canadian dollar
Religion e.g. Catholic, Protestant
Ancestry e.g. first nation, French, British
Languages e.g. Bilingual: English and French official
Symbols e.g. maple leaf, mounties
Population e.g. numbers, density
Sports e.g. ice hockey, lacrosse, baseball, football


Government e.g. head of state (= King), Commonwealth, prime minister
Currency e.g. Australian dollar
Religion e.g. Protestant, Catholic
Ancestry e.g. aboriginal, penal colony, British and Irish, Asians
Symbols e.g. Ayer’s Rock/Uluru, kangaroo, didgeridoo, boomerang
Population e.g. numbers, density
Sports e.g. Australian football, rugby, cricket


Republic of Ireland
Government e.g. head of state (= president), taoiseach (= prime minister) dáil (=parliament)
Currency e.g. Euro
Religion e.g. Catholic
Ancestry e.g. Celtic, Norse, Normans
Languages e.g. Bilingual: English and Gaelic officia
Symbols e.g. shamrock, harp, St Patrick
Population e.g. numbers, density
Sports e.g. Gaelic football, hurling, horse racing

Subdomein 3.2: Kennis van geschiedenis en geografie

Bij de begrippen die onder geografie vallen kunnen meerkeuzevragen worden gesteld, waarbij op een kaart zonder benamingen de betreffende stad, staat, rivier, regio etc. is aangegeven, met daarbij de vraag welke stad, staat, rivier, regio etc. het betreft. Er kan daarbij worden gekozen uit drie of vier antwoordalternatieven. De voorbeelden binnen een (sub)categorie geven een indicatie van wat gevraagd kan worden.

United Kingdom


Early Britain
Invasions e.g. Roman invasion, Germanic invasions, Viking invasions
Tribes e.g. Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes
Other e.g. Hadrian’s Wall, Stonehenge


Medieval Period
Norman invasion e.g. Battle of Hastings, 1066, William the conqueror, Domesday book
Wars of the Roses e.g. House of York, House of Lancaster
Other e.g. Magna Carta, Feudal system


16th Century
Tudors e.g. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I
Reformation e.g. Church of England
Other e.g. Colonization


17th Century
Stuart monarchs e.g. James I
Civil war e.g. Parliamentarians, Royalists
Charles I e.g. Executed
Republic e.g. Oliver Cromwell
Restoration e.g. Charles II
William of Orange e.g. Glorious revolution
Reformation e.g. Puritans, Presbyterians


18th Century
Act of Union e.g. Great Britain
Industrial revolution e.g. Watt, steam engine
Loss of United States e.g. 1783
Discovery of Australia e.g. James Cook


19th Century
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland e.g. 1800
Battle of Trafalgar e.g. 1805, Nelson
Battle of Waterloo e.g. 1815, Wellington
Queen Victoria e.g. Victorian period
Empire e.g. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Africa, Caribbean


20th Century
1910s e.g. The Great War (World War I), women’s suffrage
1920s e.g. Irish Independence
1930s e.g. Great Depression
1940s e.g. World War II
1950s e.g. Queen Elizabeth II, start of Cold War, loss of Empire
1960s e.g. Peace and Love Generation
1970s e.g. EEC, start of Troubles
1980s e.g. Thatcher, strikes, Falklands War
1990s e.g. Blair, Gulf War


Modern Times
Second Gulf War e.g. invasion of Iraq
Global financial crisis e.g. banking crisis
Brexit e.g. UKIP, nationalism, Scottish independence, Northern Irish border



England e.g. London, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, Durham, Brighton, Canterbury, Stratford-upon-Avon, York
Scotland e.g. Edinburgh, Glasgow
Wales e.g. Cardiff
Northern Ireland e.g. Belfast
Regions e.g. Highlands, Grampian Mountains, Southern Uplands, Pennines, Lake District, North York Moors, the Fens, the Norfolk Broads, the Downs, Cotswold Hills, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Cambrian Mountains, Peak District
Mountains e.g. Ben Nevis, Snowdon
Rivers e.g. Thames, Severn, Trent, Tyne, Clyde
Islands e.g. Outer Hebrides, Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, Isles of Scilly, Isle of Man, Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey), Wight
London e.g. British Museum, National Gallery, Tate Gallery, Tate Modern, Tower of London, Victoria and Albert Museum, Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Millennium Bridge, London Eye


United States of America


Early America
Early settlers Columbus e.g. Columbus, Pilgrims, Puritans, Colonies


18th Century
Independence from Europe e.g. War of Independence, Declaration of Independence
Founding Fathers e.g. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin
Other e.g. Constitution, Slavery


19th Century
Indian Removal Act e.g. Trail of Tears
Civil War e.g. Union States, Confederate States
Major presidents e.g. Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln
Other e.g. Gold Rush, Mexican-American War, Louisiana Purchase


20th Century
1910s e.g. World War I, women’s suffrage, Woodrow Wilson
1920s e.g. Roaring Twenties, industrialization, tycoons, Jazz Age, prohibition, Herbert Hoover
1930s e.g. Great Depression, Dust Bowl, New Deal, Franklin D. Roosevelt
1940s e.g. World War II, Pearl Harbor, D-Day, A-Bomb, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman
1950s e.g. Korea War, McCarthyism, neo-imperial interests, Dwight Eisenhower
1960s e.g. Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King, Moon Landing, Peace and Love Generation, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson
1970s e.g. Watergate, Richard M. Nixon
1980s e.g. Irangate, Reaganism, Ronald Reagan
1990s e.g. Gulf War, George H. W. Bush, William J. Clinton


Modern Times
9/11, Second Gulf War e.g. George W. Bush
Global financial crisis e.g. Barack H. Obama
Social media e.g. Donald J. Trump



Als er bij een staat geen stad genoemd wordt, is het alleen nodig om te weten waar op de kaart de staat in de VS ligt en bij welke regio de staat hoort.

States and major cities
New Hampshire  
Massachusetts Boston
Rhode Island  
New York New York City
New Jersey  
Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Philadelphia
Ohio Cincinnati
Indiana Indianapolis
Michigan Detroit
Illinois Chicago
Wisconsin Milwaukee
Minnesota Minneapolis
North Dakota  
South Dakota  
Washington Seattle
California San Francisco, Los Angeles
Nevada Las Vegas
Utah Salt Lake City
Arizona Phoenix
Colorado Denver
New Mexico Albuquerque
Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Texas Dallas, Houston
Louisiana New Orleans
Tennessee Memphis, Nashville
West Virginia  
North Carolina  
South Carolina  
Georgia Atlanta
Florida Miami
Regions e.g. New England, The Middle Atlantic Region, The Midwest, The West, The Southwest, The South
Mountain Ranges e.g. Appalachians, Alleghenies, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada
Rivers e.g. Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Columbia, Colorado, Rio Grande, Hudson
New York City e.g. Wall Street, Broadway, Times Square, Ground Zero, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island


Other English speaking countries


Major historical figures e.g. John Cabot
Major historical events e.g. European Settlement, World War I, World War II


Major historical figures e.g. Captain Cook, Abel Tasman
Major historical events e.g. European discovery, penal colony, lost generation, World War I, World War II


Republic of Ireland
Major historical figures e.g. Éamon de Valera
Major historical events e.g. potato famine, Troubles



Provinces e.g. Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec
Cities e.g. Ottawa (capital), Toronto, Vancouver, Quebec, Montreal
Rivers e.g. Saint Lawrence River
Other e.g. Rocky Mountains, Niagara Falls


States e.g. New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Cities e.g. Canberra (capital), Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Darwin, Brisbane, Adelaide, Alice Springs
Rivers e.g. Murray River
Other e.g. Outback, Great Barrier Reef


Republic of Ireland
Provinces e.g. Ulster, Munster, Leinster, Connaught
Cities e.g. Dublin (capital), Cork, Galway, Limerick
Rivers e.g. Shannon, Liffey
Other e.g. Macgillycuddy’s Reeks, Bluestack Mountains, Twelve Pins

United Kingdom
Studenten worden aangeraden hun docent te raadplegen over gepaste bronnen en ook om goed naar de begrippenlijst te kijken.

United States of America

  • An illustrated History of the USA, O’Callaghan, 9780582749214

  • American Ways, 3rd edition Datesman, Crendall e.a., 0131500864

  • American Civilization: An Introduction, 4th edition Mauk, Oakland, 9780415358316

9 november 2023

  • In subdomein 2.2 toevoeging van de term Determiners

28 augustus 2023

  • Eerste publicatie